LITO-Q13S真のワイヤレスBluetoothイヤフォン 2018-12-17 11:47:12

今日シャーリーは、 真のワイヤレスBluetoothイヤフォン 、モデルQ13S。

1.Bluetoothのバージョン Realtek V5.0 + EDR
2.周波数 2.4GHz



4.スタンバイ時間 120時間
5.プレイ/トーキング時間 4-6時間
6.伝送距離 10m
7.充電時間 約1時間
8. Bluetoothモード A2DP1.3 / HFP1.6 / HSP1.2 / AVRCP1.6 / D11.3

それはなぜですか 真のワイヤレスイヤホン ?それは本当にヘッドフォンケーブルを持っていないので。

有線のヘッドフォンと比較して、 着やすいし、結ばれていない

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Q13Sは、 充電箱(8.3cm×3.8cm×3.4cm) そして 1対の小さなイヤホン(3cm * 1.3cm * 1.9cm) 。ザ 重量は47gです にとって 充電ボックス付きワイヤレスイヤホン 、そしてその イヤホンの重量は3g * 2 。ミニ 真のワイヤレスBluetoothヘッドセット 持ち運びに非常に便利です。

完全に充電されたヘッドフォン用 最大5時間 充電庫は電力を蓄えることもできます。イヤホンの電源が切れている場合は、充電箱に戻して充電することができます。

充電ボックスに電源が供給されていない場合は、充電器を差し込んで充電すると充電できます 約1.5時間で完全

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あなたが電話をしているときは、 コールクリア あなたにできるように スムーズに通信する お互いに。

ワイヤレスイヤホン あなたのトレーニングを向上させる パワフルかつダイナミックなサウンド ;閉鎖的なイヤーピースデザインはノイズを遮断し、深く豊かなサウンドを提供します。

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それは持っている ケーブルなし、小さなもの、非常に軽い、重量はありません 耳の中で。しかし、ワイヤレス設計のために、多くの人々はそれが落ちると心配しています。

実際、 安定している 、正常な運動は問題ありません。激しく運動しない限り、それは落ちないでしょう。

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  • 2024 LITO Team Building

    2024 LITO Team Building

    2024: LITO Company's Team Building Day Yesterday, LITO Company embarked on an exciting journey of team building, fostering camaraderie, and strengthening bonds among our employees. It was a day filled with laughter, challenges, and memorable experiences. Activity One: Balloon Stomping Divided into two teams, our employees enthusiastically participated in the balloon stomping challenge. The goal was simple: to burst all the balloons of the opposing team. Amidst the popping sounds and competitive spirit, teamwork and coordination were put to the test. Activity Two: Plush Toy Toss In this engaging activity, teams faced off in a plush toy toss showdown. With one team on the offensive and the other on defense, participants dodged and intercepted plush toys hurled by the opposing team. It was a test of agility, strategy, and quick reflexes, keeping everyone on their toes until the last plush toy was thrown. Activity Three: Chopstick Cup Pass Teams were divided again, this time for the chopstick cup pass challenge. One team member held a cup with chopsticks in their mouth, passing it to their teammate who would then do the same, ensuring the cup doesn't fall. The challenge was to successfully pass the cup back and forth twice without dropping it, showcasing coordination and teamwork in a fun and engaging way. Activity Four: Island Cycling Taking to the outdoors, our teams embarked on an island cycling adventure. Navigating through scenic routes, participants explored the beauty of nature while enjoying a leisurely ride around the island. It was a refreshing break from the hustle and bustle of daily routines, allowing everyone to unwind and recharge amidst serene surroundings. Evening Festivities: BBQ and Free Time As the sun set, the festivities continued with a delightful BBQ dinner. Gathering around the grill, employees savored delicious food and engaged in lively conversations, strengthening connections outside the office walls. Following dinner, everyone enjoyed free time to engage in various activities, from games to relaxation, fostering a sense of community and belonging. At LITO Company, we recognize the importance of building strong relationships and fostering a supportive team environment. Through engaging activities and shared experiences like our Team Building Day, we aim to cultivate a culture of collaboration, trust, and unity among our employees. Together, we're not just colleagues, but a close-knit family, working towards common goals and celebrating each other's successes. Join us on our journey of growth, innovation, and camaraderie at LITO Company, where collaboration and teamwork are the keys to serving our customers better.
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    - 2024-03-06
The Litoに参加する

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